To Do God's Will on Earth
Follow Jesus
"It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
"...sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me." Matthew 19:21
To Help Others
St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Tens of thousands of dollars each year are earmarked in the Church operating budget to support the St. Aloysius St. Vincent de Paul Conference. In a recent 12 month period, parishioner volunteers have made direct contact with 218 heads of households and have successfully helped 434 people overall to make ends meet, all made possible by those that give.
Mass is celebrated over 500 times inside the church each year. There are over 180 hours of scheduled Reconciliation times offered. Annually, hundreds of young spirits are prepared for and receive First Eucharist and Confirmation. Marriages take place about every other week on average. Typically, two priests are able to provide Anointing of the Sick to those in need.
Our parish has 110 ministries that support those inside and outside of our community.
St. Aloysius School Families
A portion of the Church budget is devoted to supporting school families in their time of financial need. These funds account for more than five full-time tuitions.
St. Aloysius Child Care Center Families
Funds are devoted to the Child Care Center, also in an effort to support child care center families.
To Be a Good Steward
Embracing Stewardship
Stewardship is humbly acknowledging that all we have is from God. Stewardship is fulfilled when we joyfully give of our time, talent and treasure. St. Aloysius seeks to welcome all to its holy grounds. We understand that even our parish is not ours and that it is through prayer, ministry and offering, that His Church prospers.
Grounds & Facilities
St. Aloysius is blessed with a beautiful 12 acre campus. Financial offerings, of course, go to the upkeep of our grounds and all of its facilities.
Dedicated Clergy & Staff Members
St. Aloysius commonly supports two priests and employs full-time and part-time staff devoted to supporting the pastor and requests from 3100 families, the diocese, and surrounding parishes. Clergy & staff are devoted to helping parishioners build His church by utilizing talents within the parish and appropriately spending.
We're Transparent
Finance Council | Oversight
The Parish Finance Council meets monthly to monitor and review financial reports, income and expenses, and annual budgets, not only of the Church but also the school and child care center. Finance Council is a diverse and trusted group of parishioners that advise the pastor on long-term and short-term financial planning, our Stewardship through Offering program, the endowment fund, capital campaign, risk management, the parish fair, auction and other fundraising initiatives.
Parish operating expenses are published yearly in our Aloysius Alive newsletter.
Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports are provided to the Diocese for auditing and review.
For the People
Ashley & Dom Pere, Parishioners
Matt Gamble, Parishioner
Mary T. & Jim deBrueys, Parishioners
Latrenda Perkins, Former SACCC Teacher
Family Environment
The parish is vibrant and spirited and provides a great environment to raise a family. We always felt at home at St. Aloysius, and will miss it dearly.
The Place to Worship
The music is beautiful, but the celebration of the Mass is even more amazing. Homilies are always apropos and thought provoking. This is an excellent parish for all those looking for a place to worship.
All Are Welcome
After many years as a lapsed Catholic, about a month ago I started attending the live stream Mass on Sundays, and have decided I would like to join St. Aloysius Parish.
A Divine Visit
Each year, for many years now, I have been coming to your very welcoming church. We have been coming for a [special] convention usually at this time of the year, first as a Mom and now as a Granny. And I always look forward to coming to mass at St Aloysius. This Sunday was especially memorable. I was lucky enough to get there early and be able to walk your grounds while saying my Divine Mercy Chaplet. I must say that I usually leave wishing I lived closer in the area to be able to be a part of your church family. It is exactly where I would have wanted my children and grandchildren to go to school and church. Thank you and God Bless!